ai 萝莉 听东谈主说听英文歌学英文可以谁推选及首通俗点的英文歌
发布日期:2024-09-27 15:07 点击次数:110
回话1:ai 萝莉
Katie Melua 的 Closest thing to craziness 很慢,很抒怀,歌词也不难解。这个作念初始可以。-11-03/55372.html 另外yesterday once more也可以。回话2:
亚洲情色 Beatles(披头四)的歌可以 歌速率不会太快单词又不会太难 能让你听明晰每句话 这里有得下载、试听 闪灵音乐网:_2159.htm回话3:
Try the songs from Cline Dion, that will be easy to follow, and it seems beatles is a nice choice as well. best wishes回话5:ai 萝莉
u rise my up这首歌会让你感动